Well. I called THAT wrong.

To our delight and amazement, mom continues to hold court in our corner in Brentwood, TN. We think it's because she has always hated to leave a party. And our house has been very party like the past few days. Of course there have been tears as we all anticipate a final goodbye and yet cannot fully wrap our heads around the idea of a world without Sharon Cron. But we truly have been celebrating her  with so many friends and family it's been very much like a party. 

Today we had more moments where she's been awake. At midday, the hospice aid came to help bathe her. I had already washed mom's face and applied her make-up (I do her make-up every day). But I didn't tell Maria, the aid. So she startes trying to wipe off mascara and just created dark circles under eyes. So I grabbed the eye make-up remover, saying, here this will take it off. Mom woke up. "Off?" she managed looking worried. But I explained everything emphasizing now she had big raccoon eyes we had to take care of. "And we'll wash your face" I said,  "and then I'll re-apply your make-up, no problem." She looked at me and managed, "Before?" I nodded and said "Before anyone comes back in, I promise." 

One good thing that came out of going back to high alert this morning, was that we made sure we each had private time with her. Many of us had time of alertness. This morning, while Dad was getting ready I told you she wouldn't let go of my hand. Usually I talk to her pretty casually but I couldn't think what to say. So I just said the obvious, "I love you, Mom." Her lips came together and she siad slowly but clearly, "Love you." 

I was stunned. I thought, should I get people? But there wasn't and easy way to do that. So I thought, I'll just keep it to myself. But when I asked Dad to relieve me holding her hand, and he sat down next to her with a "Hello, Sweetie," completely unprompted she told him, "I love you." We both couldn't believe it. Then Chad called and Dad put the phone up to her ear. She told him, "I love you."  Just now, although Jake was here during the day, he called to check in and I did the same thing. It was weaker but she responded to him with a "Hey." and a "love you."

Mother has always been on her own schedule and she has never delayed saying what was on her mind. Which means she has never hesitated to tell someone she loved them. So many people have written and shared that they have instantly and always felt like part of her family. She has always had room for one more person, be it in the house, at the table or in her heart. So, to return such generosity of heart, if she wants to stay at the party, we (as always) are on Sharon-time. 


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