
Thank God the weather has turned fall-like. Our air conditioning went out yesterday and we can't even order the part till Monday. So good times. But the weather has been fully cooperating so it hasn't gotten that hot. Which is notable because we've had a lot more people through the house today. Our policy is call whenever you want for an update, come by whenever you want. If you can keep the calls to before 10p, much appreciated.

This morning, I did a bit of decorating in mom's room. I put a diffused floor lamp in the corner. A friend brought in the most GORGEOUS roses and we brought in a table for them. I ended up bringing in a small smelly candle. Bamboo Jasmine. It's lovely. And so her room has not been a super sad place to be. It's been a place of stories and love and more than a little bit of laughter. 

The day started off with a cousin and a friend from church arriving at the same time. Answering the door, I said, "Hi! Hi! Hey, you guys don't know each other." Not too much later, musicians from Belmont Church came by to sing some worship songs for mom. As they were getting ready other friends showed up. We skyped quickly with Ken and Amy and got to see Kiran have a bottle. Mom kept saying, "I love you, Baby! I love you, Kiran!" Then Rob Frazier and Sam Dial played song after song on their guitars. And a room full of people worshipped around mom's bed. She wasn't able to sing, but she would hold her arms up in praise. I've been pretty strong, but that was a little overwhelming emotionally. 

You can't see it but there's two or three more people in the corner off camera. 

Sam has known my parents longer than I have. It's been so RICH to see so many people who love mom and are so deeply woven into our personal histories, even if I haven't seen them much recently. Sometimes you have people in your life that it doesn't matter how long it's been, you just pick up right where you left off as if it's been no time at all. My parents are blessed with an above average number of those people. They also have so many friends and family that would, and have, dropped everything to do anything for us. Several are in that picture above. 

Most left around midday, and we settled in for a quiet lunch. After lunch more family arrived, some who are from New York and whom we don't get to see often. And mom, tired as she was, refused to let them leave. She'll sleep and doze, but she loves to have the talk and laughter and stories all around her. And she's aware of a lot more than she can communicate. She'll jump in out of nowhere with a comment. Even if it's to say, "I'm confused."

I'm hoping we just really tired her out with visitors today, because tonight we couldn't get her to eat or drink anything. I called the hospice on call nurse and he said that it sounds like we're doing everything we can do, and not to push her if she doesn't want anything. If she doesn't want to eat or drink tomorrow, it's pretty clear that we are down to days, not weeks. 

Please pray that she stays with us until Amy gets here on Tuesday night. Please pray she stays with us long enough to see Kiran. Please pray that I'll get everything in order that I need to: work stuff, funeral stuff, other stuff i'm not even thinking of. 

Tonight, right before bed-time, she seemed to wake up a bit. She was a little responsive and we got more liquids in her. Which was good, but she complained of some arm pain. So tonight we gave her the liquid morphine for the first time. Please pray I don't have to give her a lot of it right away. I really don't want her gone before she's gone.  


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