With or Without You!!!

I have three nights left in my apartment. I have one week left in LA.

No. Don't read on. Let's just sit here on that thought for a moment. Ten years here in this city and I am in the final fleeting days. Selah, as the psalmist says. Selah, indeed. Here is some music to Selah to:

Nope! Not emotionally ready to process that; let's move on to UPDATES!!

The Yard Sale this past Saturday was an enormous success. We raised over $400 that is going directly toward support for Brazil.  This brings me somewhere in the neighborhood of $2000 raised! My first two months covered! Excellent! My goal is to have $3000 in support before I leave on the 14th.  I've heard from several people who still plan to contribute and just haven't gotten to it, so I think it's doable. I may talk with targets and projections like I'm out there making it happen. But the truth is, I am just watching Providence show up. May God Bless both the giver and receiver alike! Especially the giver, cause the receiver is feeling like she got blessings on lock. Word.

My travel is all booked for heading down to Manaus. As I mentioned previously,  I am overnighting in Miami on the 14th and I would love to be shown around a little bit, so if anyone has a friend of a friend who would like to play host, let me know.  I would rather not wander around by myself, but as a friend quotes the greatest movie ever, "Some doors you have to go through alone." - Joe versus the Volcano

We think we have a roommate for the roommate! Just waiting on final paperwork. So, great and just in under the wire.

Biggest Earthshaker: My mechanic went out of business. When you are a woman, sometimes finding a good mechanic is just as important and as difficult as finding a good husband. Seeing the place all shuttered up and being told it went out of business - that was the first time I seriously wanted to cry. Now I am back to getting estimates, and starting over. But I have a few recommendations, and it is what it is. Could turn out to be the making of me :)


-  get my malaria medication and one last shot.

-  sell two bookcases, two bikes and my bed.

- find someone to take my compassion international child for six months (His name is Waziri. He's from Tanzania and likes soccer. I call him Waziri, the Wonderful).

- Pack. (Pack!?)

- Get my car fixed and sold for an exorbitantly high price in Nashville.

- A thousand little things that are too mundane to mention. But not to worry; I have lists. And those lists have lists.

- Start the ridiculously painful process of saying good-bye to people in Los Angeles that I love dearly. The Brazilians, I've been told, are an incredibly optimistic people who don't like to say good-bye as in forever. So they rarely say "Adeus". They say "tchau" or "Ate Logo" which means "See you soon". Adopting a similar mentality is the only way I'm going to get through this.

So this is where I am. Excited. Freaked out.  Feel like I'm throwing myself off a cliff. Let's hope I do it like this!


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