Progress Report

I am packing up the apartment for the most giantest Yard Sale of my life.  Today is Monday, the 21st. I need to load up the truck on Thursday, the 24th. Three days my friends. I've had a few days of packing and sorting and throwing away. And it's amazing how even crap you don't need or want or even thought about in years carries it's own memories and emotional triggers.  I feel as though I'm sorting my feelings as well as my DVDs.   A friend had a really good perspective on it. She suggested that as I'm going through my past instead of seeing the failures and disappointments, recognize that each stage, event, moment, memory is evidence of Grace. And that without all the good times and the bad times, I wouldn't be here at this time.  So I will remember that as I continue to box and sort.  "Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future." - Melanie Gustafson.

Alllllrighty. Here's where we are: 

YARD SALE: Kim Vogt a good friend and mother of one of my high school students at church, offered out of the blue to help me with a yard sale!  Whatever second thoughts she has about that act of generosity, (inviting a woman's entire life of stuff into your yard is not for the feint of heart) it's a huge help. Now I can sell whatever I can sell and whatever's left gets donated. Done and done.  Here's the info- 

MOVING SALE - ENCINO - 3/26/11 - 7am- 2pm. Leaving the country, everything must go. Furniture, books, DVDs, purses, jewelry, some clothing, wall art, decor items, linens and much much more.  4735 Yarmouth Ave, Encino, CA 91316 (Vogt Residence). 

FLIGHT: I have my flight. I leave April 14 and arrive in Manaus on April 15. I have about 12 hour overnight in Miami, so if anyone knows anyone who can show me around that night, I'd be appreciative.

WHAT LIFE WILL LOOK LIKE IN BRAZIL: Short answer is I have no idea. I have been told Ill be teaching english to 200 youths. I have learned that it will be for their English Camp. So that will exciting.  Also, Pastor Djard in Brazil has said I'll be helping him with receiving the teams and going on the mission trips, which I believe is going on the boats(!!!).  I think I will be in Portuguese language classes everyday. So that will be awesome. I have heard I'll be rooming with another American woman, Cindy from Chicago. I have no contact info for her or even a last name. So I just pray for Cindy from Chicago. Selfishly I pray she she's cool and that we get along. I also pray that she has everything she needs. 

SHOTS: I received most of my shots. I have one more to get right before I leave. And I did not faint! The travel doctor remembered me from last year and was excited to see me returning. She was so supportive, she only charged me for the shots and not the visit and pretty much announced she'd come down to volunteer on the boats for a few weeks! She's so fun, I hope it works out. 

ROOMMATE FOR MY ROOMMATE: We've shown the apartment quite a bit, but no takers so far. 10 days to find someone for April 1st. I'm trying not to get nervous. This is such a great place! I love living here. I know someone else would love it as well, but finding them......

MY CAR: So of course the other day the ac went out. Awesome. It might just be a case of freon. But that plus a broken side mirror I've sported since 2006, means I got a bit of work to do before I can sell it. So I wish myself, GOOD LUCK!

MALARIA MEDICATION: I have a couple of prescriptions to chose from. One of them has psycho-somatic side effects. Kind of intrigued, but I don't want to risk vivd nightmares. I love sleeping. So I'll have to make a decision. 

Ok I have to sort out clothes now. 


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