Update on Mom - ER day 2

Yesterday, moms care giver called and said mom was so weak, she couldn't get dressed or take her morning meds. Dad came home to check on her and she started talking about wanting to go home to Jesus. Dad had EMTs respond and after calling her doctor, they made the decision to go to the ER. We all kind of freaked a little bit i left work. Several friends and family came by and unfortunately I freaked my sister out. She was in the middle of checking out of her hospital in Santa Monica. With her brand new baby born on Saturday.

However by the end of the night a few things were clear, mom was not heading home to Jesus immediately. And no matter what, after this episode moms care will need to be upgraded.

Moms ammonia levels are really high which has lead to pronounced confusion, muscle spasms which basically means she abruptly loses muscle control of limbs, and the weakness we are seeing. The good people here at Vandy are attacking that with high powered laxatives. So she's been sleeping mostly and letting her body get rid of some toxins.

She's not critical which is good and bad. We aren't getting a ton of attention, but that means that she doesn't need it as bad.

Once we get a bed in VUMC, we will find out more about how long she will be in the hospital this go round and what care for her will look like when she's released.

I've expressly forbid her to go home to Jesus for at least two weeks. We need her more than Jesus does right now. Amy and the baby, my nephew Kiran, can't fly for two weeks and dysfunction being what it is, we've just started talking about some of these end of life issues.

Emotionally things started off a bit rough. But now that we are down from RED alert to at least ORANGE, I feel calm and strong and able to be here and take care of mom and the hospital stay etc.

I'll try to keep this blog updated with news of her progress. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE: Just after this post, they moved her to a room on the 8th floor. She's still pretty loopy and they still have her going strong on the powerful laxative. If you'd like to visit, contact myself or my dad first if you don't mind. Thanks! And Thanks for everyone's continued prayers.


  1. Praying daily for all of you. Please let me know if you need me to bring you food up there at the hospital or whatever else you may need! Love you all - diane roseberry


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