When it can't be fixed.

Yesterday, mom was sick all day long. From what I hear it took two tries to get her morning meds down. Last night when I got home mom was still vomiting. but it's not vomiting like when you've been out too late, had too much to drink, maybe you switched up your drinks and now the room won't stop spinning and you know if you can just throw up, you'll go to sleep and be fine. It's not even like when you've got the flu or a virus and you've spent the whole day throwing up so now you are at the point of just dry heaves that won't quit. It's much worse. It's a cough/gurgle/vomit that is the worst thing ever.

I don't know how to help. I think she should drink something to soothe her throat but she gives me a loud NO. Crushed ice helps. When she's calm. I sat next to her on the sofa and we went back and forth about whether to try to take her night meds. Could she keep them down. Finally the vote was yes with a nausea pill, and things got much more peaceful.

Anger is what I feel during a lot of this. I'm used to finding a way to get things done and solve problems. Often whether I wanted to be the one solving a problem or not. I know how to call and ask questions and find out what we can do. With this situation, that attitude seems to not be helpful. Sometimes it seems detrimental. You're throwing up? Let's take a nausea pill. Haven't eaten anything today? Let's not do the overnight insulin. Let's find some medicine or fix a different drink or call somebody or FIX IT! We can't just sit here!  But that's what I did. Sit there and hold trash cans and kleenex boxes.

As I said, things did calm down enough to take the nausea pill which really calmed things down and we were able to put her in bed. But is this a foreshadowing to more and extended awfulness? And if it can't be fixed? Can I learn to just sit there and take it?


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