Five days in the USA

Yep that's right. Two months into my six month stay I was on a plane headed back to America. My beloved grandmother, Leona, had passed away and my family generously made it possible for me to return for the funeral.   Thank you everyone who expressed their condolences. She was a sweet lady and she'll be deeply missed. The photo slideshow of her was wonderful! There were several of her when she was young that I had never seen. Made me think perhaps I got my adventurous spirit from her. You know, in 1946 she moved from Colorado to Tennessee where she knew hardly anyone but her husband and had no electricity or running water?? Talk about culture shock!
My grandmother Leona Gibbs and my Aunt Norma in 2008.

Yes it was very weird being back in the states. At least at first. My first few hours were fraught with mishap and hilarity.  Here's what I've learned:

- I don't like diet coke. (Someone please revive every PA I've ever worked with.)

- I haven't signed my name in two months and i forgot how to do it there for a minute.

- It is possible to lose the muscle memory of throwing away your trash at Wendy's while hanging on to the tray so that you simply throw the tray away. And then it still can take you more seconds than it should to figure out exactly what you've done wrong. I knew it was something.

- I don't like Starbucks coffee (don't get me wrong, I still drink it! I'm American and therefore compelled to buy the largest iced coffee in the land. Unfortunately it just doesn't taste good).

- I don't like air conditioning. I mean I like it. I just don't like its constant presence everywhere! I felt like I was hermetically sealed off from the outside.  Also here's something: when you don't have air conditioning you don't need hot water showers. Save so much energy! #justsaying

- Showers in America are really complicated. Particularly in Miami hotels. And people who are used to one knob and one temperature may be reduced to tears trying to sort out shower head speeds and trying to avoid being scalded.

- I love TV. I miss TV. And oh my gosh Booth and Brennan are having a baby! #Bones

- I love TARGET!! Frisbees, volleyballs, dresses, tv on DVD, luna bars, beauty supplies, yoga mats!!! I love Target so much I might name my first child Target.  

- Victoria's Secret right now has 75% off most of their beauty products. Run. I said RUN!!

- More than I love Target or large large iced coffee drinks or lightning fast internet or internet on my phone!!! (that one I love a lot) or not sweating 95% of the time, or watching GLEE with my friends; more than all of that, I love playing keep away in the alley here in Manaus. I love ridiculously small cups of ridiculously good coffee. I like needing to take 4 showers a day sometimes. I'm even ok being annoyed by the roosters at 3am because it means I'm here.

I'll be back in the USA in a few months and all of that other stuff will be waiting for me. America is my country and my culture and I do not take it lightly. It will always be my home. But right now, Brazil is where I LIVE. And live deeply! Here is where work and entertainment seem to be in their proper place. And I don't feel as separated from the world outside, or my neighbors, or even my food. This is where I belong, at least for right now. And to pararphrase Khalil Gibrand, here i feel the earth long to feel my bare feet and the wind long to play in my hair. And that's a feeling I love even better than Target.

Although it does make life all the more worth living with a new, bigger, better frisbee. So actually tough one to call.


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