Sunday Market

There's a farmer's market that happens right outside my apartment in the Place. If you follow me on Instagram (@corrieander) then you've seen a lot of these photos. But there are some additional ones.

I bought a giant fluffy pillow!

Kanye West Sweatshirt. Because of course. 

VERY first thing I bought today was cheese. I know you are so jealous. 

I got a coffee and a croissant from this Italian man who knows espresso. I know he's Italian because he would only speak to everyone in Italian. It was kind of awesome. 

Breads. Pies. Breads. 

More Cheese!!! 

Wall of chickens roasting and the juices of that wall of chickens drip down onto vegetables lying in the bottom of the machine. Smelled so good!!

Amazing produce. I bought a cantaloup. Because of course I did. 

Met friends afterward at a boulangerie, Paul's, with great coffee and pastries. If you are currently concerned with the amount of croissants I've consumed this week, you are not alone. I'm going to have to pace myself. But do you blame me? 


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