I'm here!!!

Bonjour! Quick post! 

I arrived yesterday after a long day of traveling.  I'm currently staying in an apartment in Place Jourdan.  It's super cute. It's also up six narrow flights of stairs. Once you get in the apartment my room is another floor up. So good news for my glutes. I got to meet a few kent students last night. We met at one of the four bars on my corner. Carolina, who I'm subletting from, met me here showed me the grocery store and told me a lot about living in Brussels. It's overwhelming and I haven't really processed that I'm here for a year.  But if I can keep remembering that it's an adventure, then it should be ok. Lots of decisions and things to do but I'm having fun. And wearing scarves. :)

Frites place is the view from my balcony. 

Kitchen window. 

View of living room from kitchen. 


  1. You're there safe and sound and obviously off to a great start. Please keep the photos and updates coming - it's really nice to be able to share the adventure! We love you. - David


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