International Preparations & The Need For Stillness

I plan to write more often on all the preparations for moving to Belgium for my Master's Degree. Britain's University of Kent begins "Orientation Week" on it's Brussels campus on September 22. SO I have fewer and fewer months to adequately prepare for a new adventure and close shop on the current one responsibly. I've been doing a great deal of research but it requires an interesting mix.  While I know people who have done both, there isn't a lot of blogs or articles or Buzzfeed lists about getting your masters in another country. If you find any, please send them my way. I've looked at a lot of things about preparing for grad school, or preparing for study abroad - which technically this is, also for moving to Europe. But strangely, in this age of overshare, not many people have written about this particular niche experience. So, I feel it is my duty to the wider world to express my opinion and experience. As soon as I have time. Ha ha. Maybe that's why no one has written much about the subject. Hmm.

I've also been reading about long-term traveling and travelers. One such article led me to a blog which led me to a TED Talk. TED Talks are the beginning and end of a mobius strip of amazingness. Someone speaks about something, it changes your life and that leads you to either another TED talk or perhaps giving your own TED Talk. They are quite ubiquitous.  Mostly short speeches given at TED Conferences (TED stands for Technology Entertainment and Design), the talks cover a myriad of topics. Check them out on Netflix or YouTube. I highly endorse them. Seriously. Let them change your life.

This TED Talk is from Mr. Pico Iyer. I have no idea who he is or what he does, but this speech called "Where is Home". Even if you've never done any travelling, but especially if you have or know someone who does, I think this speech will impact you. It starts with this growing ex-pat multi-culti global population and then talks about the need for stillness. I confess, I absolutely crave some stillness lately. Not just leisure time, but stillness. This talk impacted me. I hope you enjoy it.


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