And Now the Bizarre Starts Becoming the Mundane

Today marks three weeks in Manaus. I have passed from finding it difficult to believe I got here to finding it difficult to believe I live here. And yet, that's exactly what I'm doing. Living, I have routines. I go shopping, I take busses. I go to work. I go out with friends. Earlier this week I went to see a movie! Somehow Manaus got "Thor" a week before the US and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, Thank you, Marvel.

I'm still in a state of learning and exploring. Today I missed a bus stop and somehow ended up on the wrong side of the street. I now consider taxis to be cheating, when they aren't expressly necessary for safety. So I ended up walking an extra mile and a half (I could be exaggerating. You'd have to ask the fish who got away - He was 50lbs at least!) But anyway it was far. But eventually I did find the way to where I needed to be on foot. Hurray! Victory! In celebration I took a taxi home. 

Busses are some of my favorite things. What I love about them, they are cheap and they are better than the Indiana Jones Ride at Disneyland. I may have mentioned the driving to you. It's crazy. Cars have the right away so when crossing the street you better be quick and smart and possess a certain amount of luck. It is not unlike the old video game Frogger. If you dont know what Frogger is because you are too young, click here you will see what it's like to cross the road. I have now gotten some-what used to passenger cars nearly colliding at every turn, but busses -- I hope I never get used to them. They drive so fast and don't care if their are other cars on the road or not. Just watching them drive is thrilling with all the near misses and the speed that is just this side of out of control. Multiply that times 10 on the occasion you must stand because of lack of seats! It is a core work out. I feel my arms are getting stronger from having to hang on so tight. The key is, as in any sport where quick reflexes are needed: keep your center of gravity low and your weight in the balls of your feet. Don't be afraid to use your hips if you start to fall forward or backward, just pivot to make it a sideways movement and you'll be all-right. It's a cross between surfing and Dance Dance Revolution. If you don't know what Dance Dance Revolution is because you are too old, click here and you'll find that chinese toddler who is AMAZING!!! And also that's what it looks like to ride the bus. 

The brazilians love their malls. The malls are the place to go! Except that they are exactly like American malls. The only pluses in their favor are air conditioning and brazilian food. :) 

I prefer city center and have made it a point to walk there and back once a day. Its really good exercise. I end up wandering and usually end up marking two miles at least. And it's good to sweat. I've noticed a marked difference in my energy and fitness since I've been doing this.  I choose city center because it's so very Manaus. You cannot deny you are in South America. I'm usually forced to use my portuguese at some point and I learn more and more of the city. The Brazilians, don't get it. They hate downtown. I'd hate it too if I had to drive. I think I've finally found the most direct route which takes me up a very steep hill. So steep in fact, that the sidewalk has stairs.  I love it. At the top is a candy and drink stand. The guy there always say "Oi!" whenever I pass. I guess I stand out. This morning on my walk it was raining and as I was making way for others coming from the opposite direction, one of the men in accented English said "Good Morning! Are you enjoying the rain?" I have been told I have a distinctly American look and he picked up on it. I laughed out loud and answered, "Yes, very much." Busted. 

I've learned I will go out on my first boat trip May 15th! A church from Dallas is coming in and I'm excited that this first trip will be on my boat from last year, the Serguem Silva with Captain Deba!! There is a great deal for me to do before I leave since Pastor Djard has put me on three projects. And of course they should all be done before I leave. Also, I'm slightly apprehensive in that, as nice as they are, I'm an outsider to the Brazilians, and though I'm American, I'll be an outsider to the Dallas team. I could be marooned in between the two groups. I really don't think I will have that much trouble connecting, but I shouldn't be surprised if I face moments of loneliness surrounded by people. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised to find extreme humidity in the Amazon, yet I am constantly amazed and mystified as to how much of it there really is! It's crazy. If my sweat were potable water, there would be entire villages in africa created around me. 

Everything is still new, and I continue to adjust. 

Now let's see that crazy chinese baby on DDR again. This is a different one!!


  1. very funny!! and i prefer city center too, we need to go there together!!!

  2. Just FYI... this kid is Japanese.


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