You Didn't Think it Was Gonna Be That Easy, Did You?

"Y'know? For a second there? Yeah. I kinda did." - The Bride, Kill Bill
"It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great." - Jimmy Dugan, A League of Their Own

So not everything goes according to plan. This we know. But I've just been swimming in the refreshing waters of suport, encouragement, adulation and provision, that when things started not going my way, it was a slight shock. This week on Corrie! Corrie learns a lesson that just because it's not what she thought it would look like, that doesn't mean it's not provision.

At this moment, I'm really tired of making decisions. Which is unfortunate for me, because this is life.  I know the solution, like the truth, is out there (shout-out X-Files fans!)......... And yeah, that's all I got.  So we have a couple of situations. The roommate who was supposed to take my room bailed on April 1st. Excellent! She was also supposed to buy my bed, so now I have a few more problems to solve. And I'm running out of time to solve them. I'm supposed to be driving to Nashville on Monday.  But really the only seriously definite deadline is April 14th, when I fly from the Nashville Airport. Other than that, everything is amenable.  And I have resources at my disposal, so I will cowgirl up and deal with it.  I mean last week I was crying because I HAD to sell my bed. Now I'm crying because I can't. Seriously, why Jesus doesn't throw up his hands be done with me is a sign of his divinity.

A word about cleaning products:

First, The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser really is Magical. If you do not think so, then you are wrong. If Harry Potter had had a Magical Eraser instead of Defense Against the Dark Arts, we would have only had Book 1. So for more reasons than one, be grateful that the Magical Eraser is available only to muggles. ("Do I need to repaint this room? Look at all the scuff marks!....No just Magic Erase it! Thanks Magic Eraser!").

Second, Anything that claims it can wipe away soap scum lies. It lies lying lies that lie. Soap scum is the most powerful and obstinate force in the whole universe. The only thing that works on soap scum is a window scraper and a couple of hours.  If you don't have a window scraper, dont even try; just lay down your arms and pray it will be a merciful overlord.  Which is exactly what the human race should do if soap scum ever becomes sentient. Because it's much more powerful than us. Or it could be the Ka-Boom fumes talking.

Well, it is only 3pm. So much time for a miracle. We'll see what happens.


  1. Ha ha, nice reference. And yes, Magic Eraser truly is!

  2. I have literally dragged people into my kitchen and said, "The sink looks clean, right?" They answer yes, then I swipe it with the Magic Eraser and they gag a little. I can't live without them. If they only made them for the body, I'd be a happy gal!

    I hope things fall into place for ya!
    Sarah Walden

  3. I enjoy your sense of humor SO much. Thanks for sharing your overcoming wisdom and sense of irony on the page. I love the part about Jesus having done with you/us. Ain't that the truth.


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