Nashville - Land of Trees, Land of Transition

At least for me. Is it ok if this post is all over the place? My stuff is all over the place; my brain is all over the place.

In order then:

Last thursday, I arrived in Nashville after four glorious road tripping days with my dad. I posted quite a bit during that time to my facebook which you can read here and also on twitter which you can read here (FYI, if you don't twitter, than you are wrong. #justsaying). Traveling makes you highly aware of your body's own rhythm. What we learned is apples and fiber one bars = good. Daily 7Eleven hot dogs = bad. You also learn a lot about your traveling partner.   What I learned is Dad likes The Black Keys, trains and knowing the names of creeks and rivers we crossed. The third thing was very important to him. What Dad probably learned about me is that I love my Droid X (named Matt Damon for a reason), but that he too loves my Droid X (nick-named The Magic Screen for a reason). How did we ever cross the country in olden times with out 3G access to the internet??!!

Being home has been crazy. With so much to do and everyone seems to have a wish list for me to accomplish. And I think the stress of moving and also my mother's health being worrisome, I don't know if I've actually crumbled under the pressure or just got knocked upside the head by life with a 2x4. Either way it's been intense. But being in Nashville in the spring for the first time in years is quite invigorating! So much green and color! It's rejuvenating.

Brings us to today. Timing is a funny thing. Right on the heels of one friend leaving my life, another one shows up. I sold my car today. Princess Kia has gone to a new a kingdom.

She will be living in Alabama.  She was the first car I bought on my own. And I sold her on my own. I have to admit, I had to sit and cry a little bit after the new owner drove off. It's an odd feeling to not have anything that ties you to the earth. I have no debt, no address, and now no car. It makes me feel like a ghost, like I'm a being without substance. Moaning Myrtle or Nearly Headless Nick. It's odd.  Then as if to metaphorically swing wide the door to my new life in Manaus, moments later I got a friend request from the woman I will be rooming with in Manaus, Cindy from Chicago! She's already living in our apartment (I have my own room!) which apparently just a few blocks from the church. I saw her pictures and am reading her blog and it's going to be great! And suddenly I can't wait to be Manaus, can't wait to get to work, can't wait!

I guess I'm not as all over the place as I thought. Just my stuff. :)

Fund raising update: Latest updates have me at $4500, so just $1500 to go to reach my goal!! Thanks to everyone who has contributed. I'm writing thank you cards now.


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