Paper writing time again

I'm a couple weeks away from finishing my second and final term of classes for my masters program. What?

I swear it was JUST Christmas. And now it's nearly April. And time to write papers again.

For each class that I'm taking I have to write a 5000 word final paper on a topic of my choice relating to what we've learned in class. At the end of last term, I was very nervous about starting papers. I just really was sure I didn't know what I was doing. I ended up writing three papers in just over two weeks. I don't recommend it. Fortunately I seem to do well under the gun of a deadline. I received the British equivalent of two As and B.

Paper writing crunch time was a very serious, dark space at my house. Most my friends were not back from their Christmas break. When they did come back, I refused to see them. While I wrote until about 2 or 3 in the morning. Waking at 8 or 9 to start all over again. There was some bathing, but not a lot. Lots of terrible food decisions and long bouts of sitting.  I would occasionally let myself out for about 20-30 minute walks to get circulation to my legs. But by the time I finished, my brain was tired, my eyes were too fatigued to wear my contacts, my face was full of zits and my body started to feel very sluggish and doughy. When classes finally started back and I started making the routine 30 minute walk to school, it was suddenly a great challenge, like mountain climbing. My calf muscles cramped now because apparently they had not been used as much. Paper writing, especially so much of it in a short time, had a definite detrimental physical affect.

This time, I swore would be different. I would start earlier. I would be structured and discipline. I would surround myself with healthy food choices and make sure I got lots of physical activity. This time!

I have a self imposed deadline for my first paper for Monday evening. Today, Friday, without morning classes or an internship, with a head and notebook full of research and what was - is - was- whatever, to be brilliant analysis, I marched out to get work done and finish at least a section and a half. Instead, I've spent hours watching useless youtube videos, I've eaten a concerning amount of peanut m&ms and had french fries for lunch. Not surprisingly, I feel a zit coming on.

I will get it done and hopefully it will be brilliant. But the right before part where all the procrastination happens, is not my favorite part. Well, here's hoping the night proves more productive.


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