Jungle Ride from Disneyland come to life

So several weeks ago I was on the boat with a youth group from Clairmont, GA. We (IPM) were very excited because we would be visiting a village for the first time. The morning we were to go visit, the Captian came in and informed us that there were some concerns about access to the village. The boat, the JJ Mesquita is very large.

how we roll

And the waterways to the village are rather narrow. So we took some time to pray about wise decisions. And soon, the captain and crew decided to take the boat in as close as possible and then get local smaller boats to ferry the team to the village. Like I said, we are pretty large and as we pulled into a narrow waterway we may or may not have taken out some rather large trees. 

the boat was moving when this picture was taken. 

We stopped and tied up right outside an even narrower waterway. And waited. 

When people sign up to go on a mission trip down the Amazon river, images of "The African Queen" or "Anaconda" leap to mind. You think of being on a small rickety wooden boat puttering down creepy rivers with the jungle looming overhead. Then you get down here and the boat is practically a cruise ship with airconditioning and everything. The river is ridiculously wide and you begin to wonder what you were all that nervous about. Well this day, those first images came true.

Soon, two wooden boats came put-putting up to the side of the JJ for the teams to load up.

The boats then took everyone another 20 minutes to a village high up on a ridge. There was a log narrow stairway from the water to get to the village, Terra Preta. 

Many of the more predominantly Catholic villages are wary of protestant churches wanting to come visit their village. So being allowed to come and serve was such an opportunity. The team worked all morning, returned to the boat for lunch, then climbed back in the boats and returned to the village for the afternoon. Clairmont was such an amazing team and really engaged and brought friendship to the village. So I'm hopeful that IPM will be invited back. Also It was wonderful to see IPM's committment to reaching new villages, put into action. 

Pastor Tom from Clairmont preaches at the afternoon service

So what started out as concerning, ended up being our favorite day of the trip. To ride on those boats and to go to this hidden village with it's beautiful flowers was such a treat!!! Some days I really am amazed that this is my life right now. Jealous yet? 

Ketyb ("Catch-a-bee") and I on the little boat on the way to Terra Preta


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